
Monday Mourn.

It varies, from day to day, how much I despise the human race. Sometimes I feel like I have a relationship with the race itself. Sometimes I'm blown away by it's beauty, while on less inspirational days I'd quite gladly slam my fist down on the big red button, given half a chance. On a hot bus journey through the smoky city on a Monday morning, half asleep and having missed breakfast...I hate it all.
The glutinous monkeys on the streets and curled in their death machines on the roads, seem to morph into true representations of what they are to me. Through dirty bus window glass, then my own shit tinted glasses, slamming into my tired and resentful retinas, they twist into grotesque beasts. Scabbed cancers wandering, oblivious in their drunken stupor. Quivering, drooling evolutionary deadends, carrying the burdens of their toils. Draped in fragile facades. The clothes tear and disperse. The flesh rolls out, slapping onto the tarmac, splashing translucent gore up the walls. A mess of dripping orifices puncture the surface of the head. Too many insults to the species' potential. The tongues loll and the bloodshot pig eyes stare blankly. Their bones, brittle and yellow, creak and crack as they drag their pendulous labia through the dust. A labyrinth of slug juice trails, criss crossing across the school yards and car parks. The shimmering evidence of all the shit they leave behind. With the same inflated egos and swollen sense of self. Consuming. Devouring. Ugly and wrong.
And reflected back at ... me. A familiar creature. I'm the worst kind. I'm the one who attempts to distance himself from the throng with the misdirected anger of a disapointed child. I'm merely smart enough to know I'm an idiot. It's the ignorance that disgusts me. But I'm as hypocritical as any human. Hungry with an abundance of food at arms length. Healthy, young, relatively free with nothing but old age to worry about. With MP3s dancing in my skull, I'm off to work all day for a huge corporation. Selling my self like a hooker to a company which has had a huge and unrelenting negative influence on most of the planet's hidden and beautiful places. I'm the lowest of the low. The spoilt illitist misanthrope in paradise. I'm scum. This I need to remind myself of, daily.

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