
Whatever I'm doing, wherever I am... I can be typing away on plastic keys, with the snow outside. Or walking, (sliding). Or driving, (skidding). Or watching the snow fall. Tiny fractal shards, spin and settle, curl up like microscopic insects of ice water. Snuggle up for warmth, and await untimely death. Beauty is always fleeting, it seems. Falls apart at the seams. Must be grasped, cherished, held onto. Paws and claws. Mind rambles, tumbles, a thousand eyes gaze outward, inward, spin and frolic in my skull. Daydreaming, or distracted by ugly noise... Whatever I'm doing, wherever I am, snow or no, at any point in time, my mind can glitc h, gl_tch tch chchhc_.._ hc h _..._ sigh. ___________snap. Fuzzzsh. Zip over into the territory of another. Aura overlap. Fun size fantasize of green eyes, iris skies, twin planets, spiralling lullabies. Synthetic skin, pigtail spin. Zap. Electric to the touch. An alien smile, a bright extraterrestrial sky. Designed, meticulously down to the tiniest nano particle, to shatter human hearts. Then sonic boom. All mundane missions are doomed, and a door opens, with liquid mercury steps unfolding in space before it, welcoming me. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside me. Soon... or forever wish that you had. What yer gonna do about it space boy? Strap on that rocket pack!

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